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    The importance of shifting to noospheric medicine in the epoch of cosmoplanetary changes

    • Направления :
      Ноосферная медицина
    • Автор :
      Захаров А.В.
      Куликова Н.Г.
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    1st Global Geotechnical and Water Resource Engineering Summit/ 6th International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change, September 18-19, 2017, Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering, Hong Kong. Volume 6, Issue 3, P.38. J Earth Sci Clim Change 2017, 8:8 (Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-031



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    The importance of shifting to noospheric medicine in the epoch of cosmoplanetary changes

    Alexander Zakharov, Natalia Kulikova, Noospheric Health Center, Russia


    Statement of the Problem: The human being is a part of the cosmoplanetary macrosystem. At the same time he is gifted with a powerful talent – consciousness and intellect that helps him to perform creative as well as destructive activities with his psychoemotional energy towards objects of the environment and himself, his own physical and mental health.

    Normally when coherent low-frequency impulses are generated (Н>50%) in brain hemispheres, resonant cavitational energies appear in the interfaced body segment that form blood soliton in the myocard, that nutrifies all cells of this segment.

    Under excessive exposure of external environmental factors together with psycho-emotional experience, inadequately strong by amplitude (Н≤50%), right and left brain hemi-spheres generate incoherent energies, that induce excessive cavitation in the corresponding body segment, lowering content of hydrogen protons and superoxide ions.

    Findings. Disbalance in the work of brain hemispheres can be eliminated through the use of “autotrophic” helioprotecting water, created in ISRICA. This water is a supplier of hydrogen protons. However, the effect of this correction is not long-lasting, as the water eliminates only geoheliophysical imprints of the first year of life. In the epoch of cosmoplanetary changes the vicious circle of pathologic body processes can be broken only with proactive approach of the individual to the health recovery through correction of cavitation processes, that are produced by “inadequate state” of the brain. In our experience this happens through active psychophysical work of the individual, particularly, with the help of holodynamics and acupressure methods.

    Consequently, in the epoch of cosmoplanetary changes it is most important to perceive the shift from modern medicine of consumer society to noospheric medicine, when the individual activates independently and supports self-healing mechanisms following doctor’s recommendations, who performs a role of a coach on individual selection and launch of health-conserving and health-developing mechanisms.

    Recent Publications:

    1. Zakharov A., Kulikova N. (2016) Bioadequate approach is in prophylactic medicine. Project “Smile of health”. Open Education. 2016;(2):84-88. DOI:10.21686/1818-4243-2016-2-84-88

    2. Zakharov A., Goncharenko, A. (2015) Energy of cavitation and cosmophysical aspect of gerontology/ 4th Earth and Climate Change. J. Earth Sci Clim Change Volume 6, Issue 5. 2157-7617. P.

    3. Zakharov, A., Okushko, V. et al. (2014) Demonstration of skull bones mobility using optical methods: practical importance in medicine Proc. SPIE 9031, Saratov Fall Meeting 2013. doi:10.1117/12.2051266

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